
It is located at a distance of 75 km to the west of the Antalya provincial centre on the slope of Mount Musa and within “Olympos-Beydağları National Park” where the creek of the same name joins the sea. The name of the city is derived from “Aluamapa/Oluamapa/Olyamapa” in the Luwian/Etruscan language. In the Luwian language, “Olu”, which is a variation of “Alu”, means light/sun and in the Luwian and Hittite languages the word “Ama” means “mother”. We know that the word “Pa” means water/creek/lake. It is understood from this that the name of the city was “sacred water spring of the supreme mother of light/mother of sky”. Indeed, the spring of the Olympos creek is today called “Gökpınar” with the same association. Furthermore, in the Luwian language the word “olyntos” meant wild fig. The road monument Stadiasmus, in Patara, depicts the city of Olympos on the slope of the Mount Musa. Today’s seaside remains are found at a place named Korykos. In fact, the name Olympos has been given to all high mountains and acropolises throughout antiquity. The people of the city of Olympos on the mountain, which was within the Lycian Federation and was ruined in 75 B.C., descended to the shore and, after the final defeat of pirates by the Roman Isauricus in 78 B.C., joined the Roman lands. Maritime commerce thrived during the Roman epoch. It became the episcopal centre during the Byzantine era. The city lost its character during the Ottoman era and, owing to the floods, the people abandoned the area. South of the port, a part of the caveas and the entrance of the theatre for 8 thousand people still stand today. The theatre was used as an outdoor Orthodox basilica during the Byzantine era. Remains of the Roman Bathhouse and, on the south bank of the river, the remains of a Byzantine Church of rectagonal plan with wide arched windows can be seen. In the main necropolis to the south of the river are more than 200 inscribed tombs. As a result of recent excavations 2 sarcophagi, named Port Monumental Tombs, have been unearthed. Today the area is a favourite tourist spot, with its beach of outstanding beauty and small guest houses, restaurants, yörük style bungalows and gazebo tree houses, in character with the natural surroundings.

Little is known about the early history of Olympos, or Olimpos as it is correctly spelled in Turkish. During the second century BC it was an important Lycian city, being one of the six primary member of Lycian League. Inspired by the nearby eternal flames of the Chimaera, the Olympians worshipped Hephaistos (Vulcan) as their principal deity. The place northeast of the Ancient City of Olympos at an elevation of 250 m above the sea is known by Turks as “Yanartaş/Çıralı”. The area is called Yanartaş (Chimaera) because of the inflammable gas, which consists of a 46% hydrogen and 34% methane compound, issuing from the cracks formed as a result of the tectonic earthquakes at those places where the serpentine land and limestone rocks meet. According to mythology, Bellerophon, the son of the Luwian Lord Glaucos, desires to own Pegasus, the winged horse. Athena the Goddess presents him with a golden rein and tells him that when he fastens the rein on Pegasus the horse will be his. Bellerophon finds Pegasus and puts the rein over its head. So he starts flying and dominates the heavens. Bellerophon, who kills a much beloved friend of his by mistake, becomes very sad and starts wandering around the world. When the hero who helps good people comes to Finike, people “wish him to kill the monster named Chimaera, with a lion’s head, a goat’s body and a snake tail, that burns the villages around it with the fire coming from its mouth.” Bellerophon kills Chimaera with his flying horse, but cannot extinguish the fire coming out of its mouth. Thus, this is the place where the Olympos torch is fired. People organize festivities and celebrations which also lay the foundations of the olympic games in commemoration of this event. When Bellerophon wishes to go to Idyros and drink of the immortality water Pegasus, which is a clever animal, refuses to fly. When Bellerophon insists it throws him off its back. Bellerophon, having lost his horse, becomes distant from people and wanders about in seclusion until his death. The noteworthy ancient ruin in the area is the Byzantine Orthodox Basilica Complex, which contains the residencial quarters of priests, and churches. The ceremonial and reception area in the south being made of large, single piece block stones confirms the existence of the Temple of the God of Fire here. Continuing along the ancient road known as “Road of Fire”, one big and two more small fires are visible. Further up, the road branches into two, the road turning west is called the Sacred Ceremonial Way. 15 km to the east, however, Göktaş Tower is found at an altitude of 800 m.

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Turkey Map

Istanbul-Constantinople View

Istanbul-Constantinople View

Istanbul-Constantinople Tour

The historic city of Istanbul forms a unified whole with the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. Nowhere else can one find the wonders of nature, human artifacts, the testimony of the past and the bustle of everyday life in such close relationship. For those who will remain briefly in the city, there are day tours including the important historical sites, museums, the famous Covered Bazaar and its vicinity. These tours leave from the hotels or the port and visit the masterpieces on the historical promontory in half-day programs. The important sites are the Hagia Sophia, one of Galata Tower from which one can see the best view of the city; the Dolmabahce Palace on the Bosphorus, the richest palace in the world; the famous Archeological Museums; the Turkish and Islamic Art Museum; the Spice Bazaar, and many other historical sites. The performances of belly dancers and folk dancers add color to night tours. The air and seaports of Istanbul are located on the European side. For those who have never stepped on Asian soil before, a boat trip or the bridges over the Bosphorus offer a wonderful opportunity. Over the suspension bridges and from Great Camhca Hill on the Asian side, one can get a bird's eye view of the city and the Bosphorus.The Princes' Islands, one hour by ferryboat and the eight wonders of the world, the Suleymaniye Mosque, Sultan Ahmet Mosque, the Hippodrome and the Topkapi Palace Museum. This is the classical one-day tour, but there are many specialized tours for Roman, Byzantine and Turkish monuments, the Bosphorus or the Asian shores, which will make the visitor return to his country with unforgettable memories. Minimums of three or four days are necessary to really get to know Istanbul. These should include a visit to the Roman city walls; the well-known Kariye Museum decorated with late Byzantine frescoes and mosaics; half an hour by catamarans from the city center, are ideal places for relaxation, recreation, hiking, swimming or phaeton tours. In addition to the city tours offered by travel agencies, luxury limousine services are also available for tours. Shopping opportunities are many and varied in Istanbul. The Covered Bazaar and the well-known shops at its entrance, Akmerkez, Galeria, Capitol and similar malls, the designer boutiques in Beyoglu and Nisantasi, and the stores on Bagdat Avenue are open the whole year.

Istanbul-Constantinople Map

Istanbul-Constantinople Map

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